Home grown printing solutions.

There is an interesting concept under international law called Territorial Integrity. It gives the right to sovereign states to defend their borders and all territory within them. The United Nations Charter, I believe article 2(4) is clear and has been agreed on as customary international law to the extent that even territorial waters, those distinct area of the sea immediately adjacent to the shores of a state and subject to the territorial jurisdiction of that state are also purely under the jurisdiction of that state, which many countries leverage on to benefit from as blue sea or ocean economy. It is clear to all that imposition by force on a country’s territory is seen as an act of aggression.

I really don’t know if there is a concept of “territorial business” but easily we can see that business strategy where companies focus their marketing, sales, and distribution efforts within a specific geographic region or territory allow them tailor their products or services to meet the specific needs and preferences of customers in those area. It even gets better with the establishment of local partnerships, understanding regional market trends, and adapting pricing and promotional activities to suit the target audience within the designated territory. By concentrating efforts in a particular region or sector as the case may be, companies can build strong relationships with local customers, enhance customer loyalty, and optimize their operational efficiency and any industry that can leverage on this will grow.

I mean we have seen how the home video industry creeped into the minds of millions not only in our local territories in Nigeria but also abroad, same goes to our Nigeria music industry – which has so easily become a multimillion-dollar business even for the upcoming artists…

The Nigeria printing industry also has the capabilities of encroaching and ultimately enhance the growth of other businesses so easily. Let’s take a detour into the street food and street clothing avenue. Packaging street foods in attractive and hygienic pack can enhance their appeal and attract more customers. Quality prints on streetwear can also add value by making the clothing visually appealing and unique, catering to specific tastes and styles and across various generation. Both concepts focus on enhancing the presentation and quality of products to meet customer preferences and demands, ultimately contributing to business success. Guess who can make this happen – you, the street printer. All street printers just need to intentionally upgrade their street credibility with creativity and stubborn determination.

Let’s move on to the national stage. The big printers in the printing ecosystem only mostly wait on the wings every four years for printing for elections, meanwhile there are many other sectors where professional printing services are needed, like;

Car number plate – Who is educating the agency in charge of printing those plate numbers that fade in no time? Are they aware that a combination of factors are required to print a near lifetime car registration plate number? Factors like the use of high-quality, weather-resistant materials like aluminum are commonly used for license plates because they are durable and resistant to corrosion.

  1. UV-resistant and fade-resistant inks are essential for printing car plate numbers. UV-resistant inks are designed to withstand exposure to sunlight, preventing fading over time. Who is ensuring that the inks chosen are specifically formulated for outdoor use and are known for their longevity?
  2. Printing Technique: who can ensure the best option between digital or screen printing techniques. Digital printing offers high-quality and precise variable data prints, while screen printing is known for its durability. Both methods can provide excellent results when paired with the right materials and UV-resistant inks.
  3. Protective Coating: Who knows that there is a need to apply a clear, weather-resistant coating or laminate over the printed car plates? This protective layer acts as a barrier against harsh weather conditions, UV rays, and other environmental factors, extending the life of the printed numbers, especially in a dusty environment like ours
  4. Regular Maintenance: Even with the highest-quality materials and printing techniques, regular maintenance is very important. Is there a mechanism to educate or advise the end users on cleaning their car plates regularly and avoid using abrasive materials that could scratch or damage the printed surface?

In my opinion, plate number printing should be done by professional security printers just like cheque books and ballots papers are being printed, this will indeed become a real home-grown printing solution to enhance professionalism, create more jobs and reduce the cost of reprinting millions of car plate numbers yearly.

The same goes for the printing of driver’s license, this is identity card printing and contracting this out to experts in that area will take out the bureaucracy of long queues for capturing for renewals and fading of information on the cards before its expiration.

It’s a shame that the trains are still on a cash and ride basis, we need some home grown train tickets combined with touch and go transactional ID cards (printed and customized) to improve the train ride experience and efficiency around getting on the train.

We obviously don’t have time to take on souvenir tags and ticketing for museums, cinemas and tourist attraction centers but it is clear that printers must rise up as quickly as possible, in unity to extend our territorial borders with more home-grown printing solutions.

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